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Support Us

Lao culture is rich in history, tradition, art, and folklore. It is unfortunately in urgent need of preservation. We ask for your generous support by volunteering, making donations, purchasing our merchandise, attending our events, and becoming a member. We invite all to join us in celebrating our heritage.

DFW Lao Heritage is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations are fully tax-deductible. Upon receiving your donation, we will send you a letter of receipt.


Here are some ways you can help


Contact Us for availability.


Venmo: @dfwlaoheritage


Make a donation‏ through DonorBox by clicking "DONATE" button below.

Sponsor a Student

Sponsor a student in financial need who might otherwise miss out on fun camp learning or for those who are willing to help but not physically available to attend.

© 2018 by DFW Lao Heritage

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